Finding the Voice
Of the Outcasts
Crafting a sentence can seem very different than crafting a visual design…at first. But, next thing you know, choosing the right word becomes like choosing the right color or the right typeface, and defining line breaks and punctuation becomes an art of balance in finding the right weight for each line. This ESP campaign was all about appealing to a younger audience that struggles with finding their own voice, so they instead let their music (through their guitar) BE their voice (hence the tagline "Find Your Voice"). This project was the first copy-focused campaign that provoked the question "Are you sure you're not a copywriter?" Thus began a continuous journey into the world of word-crafting.
This is a personal passion project.
No AI was used to write this copy, just a blank word doc and pure creative thinking.
No AI was used to write this copy, just a blank word doc and pure creative thinking.
Creative Mentor: Ellen Shakespeare
Long-form Copy and Design: Aaron Washington
Long-form Copy and Design: Aaron Washington